To help the individual and/or small business leader (owner/operator) push beyond the current experience to improvement, feeling empowered to maximize their potential in a more excellent way...on purpose.
Certified with the Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program (UCP) in Allegheny County as a Minority Women’s Business Enterprise (MWBE) providing process improvement services, training, and management consulting since 1992; helping businesses increase overall effectiveness and achieve greater efficiency in operations.
For more information link here PROCESS IMPROVEMENT.
People working together, stronger, smarter, centered, and at peace with themselves and the environment, utilizing their best gifts to produce a more excellent way.
Customized value-added services are offered:
1. Customer Satisfaction Survey Development and Analysis
2. Organizational Leadership Training (staff, board of directors, ministry team, and community groups)
3. Process Review and Improvement
4. Understanding Enterprise Risk
5. Team Building
Each service is designed from a base model© to build upon and create your own. The overall improvement experience is developed with you, to help you best accomplish strategic goals, exceed customer expectations, and, make work processes more effective.
Individuals/business entities are equipped with solution-focused tools and tips that are proven to help capture vision, expand capacity, increase confidence to operate with greater purpose and passion. rverness customers range from the individual to the Small Business Enterprise.
Looking forward to adding You/Your Organization!